Our Members and Trustees act collectively to govern our Trust and take strategic decisions.

Steve Dunn
CELT Member

Dave Folland
CELT Member

Lee Moscato, representing Askel Veur
CELT Member

John Beaumont-Kerridge
CELT Member

Geoff Brown
Chair of Board, Designated SEND Trustee

Sebastian Parker
Vice Chair of Board and Chair of Estates, IT & Climate Change

Jo Connolly
CELT Trustee and Chair of Audit & Risk Committee

Ashley Mann
CELT Designated Whistleblowing Trustee

John Simeons
CELT Trustee and Chair of Finance, Staffing & Remuneration

Sally Foard
CELT Designated Safeguarding Trustee
Sally has been a successful strategic and operational leader within the education across Cornwall and Devon for over thirty years. Sally has a good knowledge and understanding of learning and teaching pedagogy, learner support, pastoral, safeguarding, SEND, careers and the operational support areas. She believes that all children, young people and adults in Cornwall deserve an opportunity to have the best education and training possible to ensure they are able to achieve their full potential whatever their background or starting point.
Sarah Goswell
CELT Trustee
Sarah is now retired but has been in education for over 40 years, 34 of those years were spent at Newquay Tretherras. Sarah was deputy headteacher at Tretherras for six years and acting headteacher at Newquay Junior Academy for an interim spell. With this experience she hopes to be able to empower, guide and hold to account leaders to ensure that all pupils of different abilities and backgrounds receive the whole education they deserve.

Helen Casson
CELT Trustee
Helen is Deputy CEO at Wave Multi Academy Trust, a Trust that delivers alternative and specialist provision across Cornwall and Devon. Prior to this, Helen was Principal at the Community Hospital Education Service (CHES) and also held leadership roles in both mainstream Cornwall schools and schools in inner-London. Helen has a passion for inclusion and sits on a number of local and national bodies in order to play an active role within this area.