
Safeguarding and child protection training are essential for effective safeguarding practice. Training is the foundation on which we build a culture of safeguarding, and this idea is embedded in both statutory guidance and the Ofsted Inspection Framework.
Annual Safeguarding and child protection training (including online safety) is completed by all staff within Cornwall Education Learning Trust. Regular training updates take place to ensure a continued focus on safeguarding, as well as ensuring all areas of safeguarding are covered.
All DSLs and DDSLs complete:
• Multiagency Level 3
• New to Role DSL training
• Online Safety training through National Online Safety
• Prevent
Additional training for teachers to deliver sex relationship and healthy relationship education is included in CPD sessions. Safeguarding CPD Schedule Regular training updates take place at Cornwall Education Learning Trust to ensure a continued focus on safeguarding as well as ensuring all areas of safeguarding are covered.
This includes:  
• Monthly staff meetings
• Local context updates
• CELT ‘Safe News’ newsletters

Safeguarding Poster.docx

How to book
To reserve a place on any of the courses, use our online booking form or contact our School Improvement Team