‘Doing the right thing’ and ‘doing things right’
Our aim is for our Trust to be a learning organisation in the truest sense.
This is why our Trust leaders are system leaders. They employ creativity and innovation to make positive changes. They seek to challenge and push boundaries. They focus on choice and vision – ‘doing the right thing’.
At the same time, once a choice is made it is essential that ‘things are done right’ – that is, the choice is executed well, and that others are engaged in delivery. Our operational managers are concerned with organising stable systems, ensuring quality, and identifying and implementing best practice.
Our trust leaders and operational managers work together to deliver our vision for change that will take us to a new level of effectiveness. Our improvement goals are summarised in our Strategic Improvement Plan.
CELT Leadership Team
Executive Team
Dan Morrow
Trust Lead
Clare Ridehalgh
Deputy Trust Lead
Rich Baker
Deputy Trust Lead - School Improvement
Core Services Team
Academy Headteachers
We’re delighted to work with an inspiring set of Headteachers
from our family of academies.